February First Fridays Special Event at ACAC

Passed Event

Join a member and be a guest for free on February 7  at this ACAC special event — The February First Fridays Alexander Technique workshop with Garnett Mellen and Sara O’Hare.

Want to feel lighter in Body and Spirit?

Give your system a chance to rebalance itself with the Alexander

Technique. Learn to release tension, relieve pain, reduce stress and get your mind and body talking to each other.

A proven approach to self care, the Alexander Technique teaches how to recognize and unlearn habitual patterns that cause unnecessary tension in everything we do. It is used by people of all ages and abilities to relieve the pain and stress caused by everyday misuse of the body.

Friday, February 7, 2014, 3:00-4:00pm

acac Downtown Mind Body Studio A FREE for members and their guest!

For more information, email Sara at sarao@acac.com or John Piller at johnp@acac.com

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